Weekly Michigan Marijuana News

A weekly review of Michigan’s Cannabis Industry 7/22/2019

Growing marijuana under the Michigan sun in a smart building


Growing marijuana under the Michigan sun in a smart building

07/19/2019 – A 200,000-square-foot hybrid greenhouse is under construction in Marshall.


Michigan cuts marijuana licensing fees in 19 cities impacted by drug war


Michigan cuts marijuana licensing fees in 19 cities impacted by drug war

07/18/2019 – Michigan regulators announced Thursday a cut in marijuana licensing fees for prospective business owners living in 19 cities whose residents were disproportionately impacted by the drug war.

Crains Detroit

'Baked Lakes' and 70 more clever marijuana business names in Michigan


‘Baked Lakes’ and 70 more clever marijuana business names in Michigan

7/20/19 – Many of the medical marijuana businesses in the state’s regulated market now have names that reference the leafy green plant and its valuable flowers in various ways. From Amazing Budz to “Floraison” (French for flowering) to Herban Legends, entrepreneurs are putting their stamp on a brand.


Michigan Announces Cannabis Social Equity Program in 19 Communities


Michigan Announces Cannabis Social Equity Program in 19 Communities

07/18/19 – The state’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency [MRA] made part of its strategy to this end clear this week when it released details for a sweeping social equity program that will support cannabis entrepreneurs in 19 communities.

High Times

'Criminal expungements may be key to boosting minority participation in Michigan’s fledgling marijuana industry


Criminal expungements may be key to boosting minority participation in Michigan’s fledgling marijuana industry

7/21/19 – Perhaps more significant is that Michigan’s recreational marijuana law didn’t include provisions for expunging prior marijuana convictions, leaving those with a criminal record barred from working in the new marijuana industry

Oakland Press

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